In search of snow… Part 2

Little did we know about the heart-wrenching sights that awaited us on the other side of the massive barrier. ‘You got to go up to the skiing trail, mate’ called out an anonymous guy, instilling hopes into our hearts.

‘Guys, we have to get our outfits sorted.  Let’s head straight to the cloak room and get some rentals’, said A.

We seconded the thought and marched behind him.

After paying the earth and getting decked up as adorable Eskimos, we trooped in towards the Piste (Ski Trail). The queue was overwhelming for the kiddos as they couldn’t wait to get to the snow.

Finally, our turn approached, and we all squeezed in through the narrow entrance to the massive high country, like water gushing out of a huge pool pump.

Image result for mt buller ski resort

A mighty, barren mountain welcomed us with all its charm. A long and thin white patch, which looked like a long white saree to me, ran through the centre of the mountain. To our left was a giant machine, spinning relentlessly and spitting some white powdery substance. One closer look and we knew it was nothing but SNOW! Yes, the nature wasn’t ready for snow in spite of the fact that we were…

Like everyone else, we jostled and shoved each other and wended our way to the artificial ‘snow’ path. A mob of snowboarders, skiers and sightseers like us thronged the trail, giving way for none. It felt to me that the entire population of Mt Buller was perched on it making it almost inexistent. I dropped to the ground with a thud along with R and there we sat enjoying the beauty of man-made snow, dressed up in snowsuits, amid a handful of artificial snow that was already turning into water and enveloped by ruthless snowboarders and skiers,.

Nevertheless, R& I slipped into a cosy little corner when the big boys were busy exploring the place and threw snow at each other and burst into laughter. We clicked lots of extremely beautiful photos and made those moments special. Kids got themselves busy and to them it hardly mattered. Fake or real, it is snow, and snow is magical!

Everything about that trip was magical. The late-night holiday planning, long road trips, cosy and intriguing wooden house in the middle of a plantation, that ancient English fireplace, lovely little walks and all those ineffable feelings of love and affection.

What if we couldn’t experience snow showers from the Mother Nature herself, we did make Memories…. And that is what life is all about. Isn’t it?

‘Let’s get started!’, R’s voice woke me up from slumber.

… To yet another mystery that awaited us at Mt Baw Baw.

.. to be contd…

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