
As I lay in the hotel bed, staring out through the green tinted glass window, I could feel loneliness sweeping over me. I dragged myself out of the bed and reached for the cup of coffee which was kept on the table. The hotel walls were painted white and the floor carpeted. My feet sank [...]

Green stars!

Rain was pouring heavily outside, hitting the window panes and splashing haphazardly. I stared at the random motion of the droplets, my mind clear and face grave. Tiny little palms cupped my face and a pair of clear, black eyes glowed at me. The warmth of the soft fleshy palms pierced my chilled body, demanding [...]

Football Fever!

It had always appeared to me like an orb of black and white patches. I had never found anything striking or interesting about it. Most of the girls might agree to my statement.  Yes. I am talking about our very own Football-The game played wid a ball n some steads, which wins millions of hearts". [...]